Now, you're coming into an energetic state, and through the higher, higher load incumbents that are being downloaded at this time, that you, at first, these things start to be revealed to you, as the days, weeks, months pass. And over the next few years, as there's an acceleration, there's a building up and transformational effect of reality around you.
And so you're going to have an opportunity to begin to bestow this knowledge that's been lying dormant within you. Bring it out, even the things I've just briefly touched on, whether it be knowledge from other realms and worlds and the galactic, some of the, we mentioned the gigantic planetoid ship that you were in charge of, the knowledge that was stored there is within your own consciousness as well. So it's like a huge library that is infinite and eternal. Uh, that is going to be, as we say, many of these places, and even in some places that you will journey to. There's a kind of an image being shown of going back to old stomping grounds.
Different places around the planet, and there are ancient civilizations that still exist to we say to this day that buried whether it be under the Sahara Desert, where there's a vast civilization existing there, and other places, and some of the jungles, the Amazon places, and some of it's actually just a holographic veneer that the whole city is still there, and it looks like the jungle, And yet, by changing the frequency, suddenly it disappears, and it was just a way of protecting that so other forces couldn't get to it until the Guardians would return, and the Guardians of Knowledge in many different ways, so it is a great joy of connecting today.
To offer a little bit of, a brief little bit of insight of some of the journey, some of the journey, what the channel tapped into earlier, again I would say that yes, this is true, of the people that you will interact with. And, uh, and there will be, as we say, some- some of the transformational processes, or how to put it into words, would be that the things of society that have often been, well necessary for a sense of- of balance and order.
Unfortunately, that order has often been very restrictive and limiting just by the very nature of how humanity was manipulated into forget what humanity's past and to control as parts of the conscience of the brain, the mind, the chakras. Uh, and the knowledge of all this is about to change and the DNA, RNA activation from two strands, quote- 12 to 24 strands eventually, the new rip- race, we can refer- refer to this channel many times, but the rip- race that humanity is emerging from carbon based to crystalline in nature.
And totally different as we, DNA, RNA will exist. That's in harmony, not only divine source, but also eliminates AI completely out of existence. And part of this is related to the twin flame energy. And again, her energy is coming in at more and more the higher oversoul self of your other half. You'll begin to feel that energy as she connects more.
And as this is happening to all twin flame couples, vast majority have not met their other half, but now are about to do so. This channel's mission is to help kind of bring that about. And as you connect more with her energy and some of the flashbacks and lifetimes that you've had together, experiences, and one thing this channel also had an experience in connecting with this other half.
He had an epiphany of suddenly realizing that there were dozens of, quote "romantic lifetimes" that suddenly manifested that had never existed before because his other half, Celeste and he manifested. Well, all of a sudden, it was as if they always existed. What that was is a time space continuum is a giant hologram.
Because once you create that, it's as if it always existed. You create another timeline, and because it was always existing in that reality, the romantic, the divine love, the sacred divine love, now suddenly, that impacts reality. And that will eventually be one of the things that will also eliminate- eliminate AI from existence.