When it's aligned with divine source, not something as AI as the world elite want to use to control and manipulate people for their system, but where there are pitfalls, and it's nothing but a manipulation, but something that is aligned with divine source, and it is a way to enhance through that way, to observe and to, and be able to step back from it.
Like holographic technology is something. This channel himself is something he was drawn to, through, instead of movies being produced through using film, using holographic technology where one is literally within the holographing hologram itself and learning from past times without all the negative energetic charge to it.

But compassionate detachment one can grow and learn and as it is in higher worlds, this was the technology that were develop. Now, some of the systems such as ARCTURIS, which you had connections with, 'cause that's the import-import system, export system, as themes that are ideas that are shared innovation.
There's a lot of innovative, as we say, capacities within you that have been kind of suppressed. They're going to be coming out a lot more. The energies are coming on the planet, something we achieved through this channel not long ago, that our divine creator of the universe itself has created, we could say, an energy.
Kind of like if one was to put it into words, and this channel has shared it a number of times, it's kind of the energy saying, well, you're going to enjoy life whether you like it or not. In other words, all the pain and suffering is going to go away. There's been enough pain and suffering, that's how many seem to have learned the hard way, rather than learning through joy and beauty and upliftment.
That's how learning is supposed to be, but on Earth it's been a school of hard knocks, it's been a karmic situation, and again, the imbalance forces have made it a hellish place, but that's all going to be changing and transforming, and it's through the individual- individual transformations such as yourself and everyone else, each in your own unique way, but still part of it like pieces. Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle. If one piece is missing, it's not complete. So all of you are like pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. And so finding all the other pieces that can join together and complete the jigsaw puzzle. Completeness, a wholeness. Everything. So you were very holistic.
You were very aware, in a universal sense, what it brought, that those technologies it brought to Earth, but again, when you brought them there, that is where the shortcomings, the pitfalls and things occurred, and where you learned greater discernment, so it's stored within you. And this is related to your Auric Field.
We can say that you will start feeling more wisdom. In fact, through the Master Kathumi and El Morya, which are Masters of the Golden Ray. They are beings who have specialized in the ability to discern, to develop the ability to really decipher with clarity. Whatever the situation to be on conscious opinions and theories, but it's still, there are still, but even on a higher level, we still engage in agree to disagree conversations.
We just don't have, as we would say, emotional kinds of situations that happen on Earth where wars occurred because of disagreements. We always find ways to work things out in harmony and peace and what is good for the entire sense of the whole system. And this is what you are wanting to interface you're wanting to interface, wanting to bring to Earth, wanting to find ways and means that would release the 'negative, dark, shadow' self of humanity that the imbalanced forces, again, infiltrated and created a kind of a control and so the energy that's coming on earth right now is very user friendly to help release the negative aspects and it's kind of like as we shared how there was for a while offense, so to speak, between the dark side, the light side, duality. And the defense was more like the Great Wall of China.
It was very wide, and then it became very, very small to almost the sharpness of a razor blade. Now there's no wall. Everybody has to decide their intent and their desire. So, It's a lot of times souls can't put into words it, but we read it. We see the pure heart's desire, but because they can't seem to put into action.