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Conversation with Archangel Michael Part 02 - Destiny's Call: Spreading Light and Influence

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

 So putting on the armor of God itself represent a strengthening of your auric field, that which is around you, that which you to allows you to filter out all of the unnecessary, again, distractions and test by the imbalanced forces to try to distort the the reality. Beyond conscious opinions and theories.

I use that phrase because sometimes there is many, even on the higher realms. We are also, we have, we say, very passionate, philosophical conversations where there's moments of agree to disagree. We still love one another. We still are in fellowship, and I bring this up because in the sense of what the balanced forces who have always tried to create division, while we're attempting to bring more unity, to bring unity beyond religion, beyond beliefs, what you have in common, spiritually, energetically.

And this was one of your, if we say peeves, so to speak, about how spirituality itself, consciousness, frequency, energy of Divine Source, understanding it in a very pure way before there was a lot of, shall we say, man's misinterpretation or putting distortion. Putting a spin upon certain universal truths.

It's been said that, and the sense of the word of God, the Divine truths that have been come to earth. Unfortunately, once they got on the earth level, there was a lot of distortion. And I'm bringing this up because the energy is suggesting here, it's not like it's set in concrete that you can't change in all of Earth, but there is an energy indicating in this timeline that we are now in and continues to build up momentum.

That there are gonna be a lot of things that have been hidden behind the scenes and that is also known as disclosure, but the personal sense of you, our brother and how your association relationship, interactions with various individuals and even society itself where you live at this point, even though it was brought out that in the, of the earlier session, that there is an aspect of destiny to travel, go other places and to spread your Light, to expand your Light and your influence.

Uh, toward others to help them help themselves. But life is a two-way street. So you're gonna also gain a lot of wonderful sense of fellowship, starting new friendships and orientations of a lot of old friends from long ago, part who are also guardians, guardians and, and warriors of Light also who stand firm.

And many times you had died for certain causes. Of course, we're realizing the difference between, uh, where one stands in true pure truth versus one standing in a situation where one is feeling obligated. Because now, now obligations of upholding Divine plan is one thing, but obligations of human mortal kinds of existence where people have to the, they mean well, but they're projecting and putting a spin on something because of aberrations and their awareness. And I bring this up 'cause there's gonna be a number of things that all of humanity in different ways, but for you it'll be a personal, your own unique personal sense of it, uh, of individuals who have been convinced, but a lot of energy investment into, uh, creating things a certain way. And there's an innovative, creative side to you that is what a guardian many times does.

As has to take certain stands or point things out, which is not sometimes easy when others have, again, investment. Not a negative judgment to say there are ego investments by various different levels of society. Uh, down from the way the Cabal had control itself to many of its own minions, those of related to the dark side, who tried to enslave humanity and who battled on behalf, on behalf of humanity many times, both on this planet and other worlds as part of the Federation, which has now become the alliance of all beings who are joined together for something bigger than themselves.


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