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Conversation with Archangel Michael Part 03: Spiritual Breakthroughs: Activating Gifts of the Spirit in Reality


Something that is, that's truly, uh, worth quote even dying for to a sense. But it actually so often in past times where as one learns to utilize the energies. You become more efficient at getting rid of the little, shall we say, the little areas where imbalance force little weaknesses, quote in the field.

And you strengthen those. You find solutions. You find protocols, you find all kinds of fab.., fabulous. They can say ideas, orientations of doing things, how to improve, how to increase and enhance your capacity. And in so doing, 'cause you really desire to make it win-win, everyone else is benefited. And as a guardian to reality, we can see as a warrior for truth.

For integrity and to expose those areas of hypocrisy, shall we say, of where some would say, well, this is a law for thee, but not for me. Hmm. That's what the power elites on earth have demonstrated. Again, we can forgive them, but there is a sense of justice, of fairness, of of getting rid of things that are exclusive to one and ignoring the rights and, and needs of everyone else.

And you were very humanitarian oriented in your guardianship and you struggled sometimes because you wanted to be altruistic and others would say, you gotta be a little more realistic about this. Well, their idea of realism. Was kind of stark and depressing. Not that they didn't have reasons for believing or, or in that way, but you wanted to find a way of breakthrough breakthroughs.

Well, uh, it's like come to Jesus moment, as some would call it, in some aspects of human society where you have a revelation, you have an epiphany, you have a, a wonderful revelation and realization, self-realization. It took you a while to get to that point. And then of course, your desire to share. And it's a beautiful vision.

And, but yet as you attempt to explain, you attempt to share, you find that human words do not adequately explain how beautiful it actually is, but it because, but eventually you become able in your consciousness. As other great masters have done that it's radiating from you beyond your human words.

You're just radiating the message in an energy field. And so as you face certain challenges of people who you feel you would like to help them help themselves, but because they're stuck in their ways, people can find their get kind of stuck in their way they mean well. But the imbalance forces to try to create more of a, uh, it's like the analogy of an earth vehicle with its tires going around in a rut, muddy rut or go, as it tries to go forward, it goes deeper and deeper into the muddy rut.

'cause instead of getting out of the rut, the the what tires just create more of a hole there and it stay. So learning to create traction, momentum and it kind of overcoming gravity, so to speak. And you're gonna have experiences literally, uh, as far as your gifts of the spirit ability as they start to activate. You may be surprised what may happen sometimes when you least expect it, some miraculous thing. And you're trying to figure out, well, how did that happen? Well, maybe it was your own abilities that were coming online, or it can be a combination or other beings who were showing you something, giving you a little demonstration, a little taste of what the ability is to feel that greater expression of spiritual power from the Divine Creation.

So there's a lot of, shall we say, being able to be beyond compass opinions and theories, as I mentioned, were as you tune your co, uh, moral compass and you get more and more attuned to what would make things a little easier and how to do it faster without being so bogged down, and all the mundane stuff that sometimes human Earthians tend to get bogged down in, up to now.


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