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Conversation with Archangel Michael Part 06 - Defining Divine Purpose: Cutting through Distractions

And it'll be like, you go in there and it was like the energy just gets stirred up as Roh-Kan, one of our fellow team members and that fellow Elohim who's a master of innovation, uh, he always says he likes to stir the soup. Give 'em something to talk about. So even if they get angry, at least you know they're alive.

They got enough emotional, you know, they'll be able to, they, they have passion about something. 'cause there's some people who seem to, some would say they don't seem very much alive. They seem to be sitting there, not very involved in what's going on. So life is gonna challenge them somewhat. So the more that you rise to the occasion and welcome that sense of challenge, the more things flow with that courage, that fearlessness.

It comes from knowing your Divine purpose, being able to define it a lot more, without having to waste so much time again with we said, with all the distractions, being able to cut to the chase, as we said, more effectively, which allows more of the Divine will to come around you, to benefit you, to help you, to support you to.

And so over the next, next year or two, there's kind of a perfecting of this process of fine-tuning your moral compass and helping many souls who in the past, in some situation, would've gone to what is called fisticuffs, so to speak, and swords and everything. Well, now there's more unification beyond religious dogma and into the spiritual purity of Divine Creation itself.

And so I just wanted to kind of summarize some aspects here that are being highLighted. And as I related to other fellow Archangels and those of us and fellow Elohim that we work with, all types of cosmic beings alike. We all have different kinds of physiological ways we can say I'm looking at it, but we all work together for the good of everyone.

And we, of course, are putting a lot of focus on earth, both collectively for the whole planet and for you today, by putting a lot of special focus and the downloading of the Higher-Lighting encodements that our Elohim friends. Uh, their job is to do this with their consciousness technologies. So we work with them on many projects in different ways.

We unite, we come together in fellowship and as I said earlier, sometimes we have moments of, uh, agree to disagree, and that's fine... okay uh, we know that there's always a bound foundation of love. A, a bridge. A rainbow bridge. We can say from. That person's passionate position with another person's differing passionate position.

Now, sometimes it may seem like a paradox. You know what a paradox is? Two conflicting truths apparently occupying the same space, so to speak. There's often time travel paradox as some speak of, uh, different situations. But there's always a way that e even if your Divine Creation may create what appear to be paradoxes as a way of causing you to, to really, as we say, do a lot of soul-searching a lot of, uh, focusing learning to discern to fine-tune yourself to purposefully challenging humanity to ....where can we, how can we make both of these, so-called, uh, paradoxical situations come into harmony? How can we increase the unit unification? What's going on? Allow the Divine Will, the Divine plan to work more easily without having to be pain and suffering. To learn the hard way. The school of hard Knocks has been called, uh, you hit over the head with a tube before.

That's not a good way to do. It's easier if you can learn through joy, beauty, and upliftment. We think that's a better way to learn, uh, to get the hint. Um, and so some people have to learn the hard way. Uh, it is like when after Divine Source is given one a, as we call synchronicity, and this channel has met some too.

And you may meet somebody in the same way or people who have been hit by Lightning, so to speak, literally Divine Source, smited thee not out of anger, but to get their attention. They brought all these ya, these synchronicities, but they just thought there were coincidences and now suddenly they got their attention.

And that's an extreme case of course, but 'cause we, but some souls are worth salvaging when they really have a pure heart, but they're messed up with so much other stuff. Pain suffering and things. And so they're looking at life a little cynically and this just trying to ignore certain things. They think it's coincidence and all of a sudden they start being reminded that yes, Divine Source sometimes works in strange and mysterious way.


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