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Conversation with Commander Ashtar Part 05: Golden Ages, AI Corruption, and Our Quest for Harmony: Lessons from the Past

They have been termed Time Wars that have happened where beings have battled out to manipulate the timelines, and you were very much connected.  We're working in such a way that you could add, and we could say, share your knowledge and information that interfaced with various other beings, part of the Guardians, part of the Alliance, that would liberate humanity ultimately.

But allowing yourself to be entangled a few times, so that you could find ways to break out of that endless wheel of karma. It's almost like Karmic Quicksand of imagining being sucked down into something and not being able to really find a way to, uh, to- to control the situation, being in a sense, because there are, even though many have thought about it, is one a victim or not a victim, no one's a victim to that, but sometimes humanity has been victimised by forces who've taken advantage of it.

So, the whole of the lot of the process was to find ways and means, and especially in the finishing up of many of the lifetimes and missions that brought you there, uh, of solutions, of finding very viable and innovative innovations. And that was part of a very important thing, to develop things that could be, uh, as we transform technologies, opportunities, and so it is all throughout the planet, because part of the destiny lies ahead of you, and what this channel was tapping into earlier, regarding the sense of helping souls, and also being discerning, and in a sense almost like a sense of a warning thing popping up in your mind, oh no I shouldn't go there, or to stay away from that.

Uh, that over there, those can be distractions and how much helping people help themselves make the choices and sometimes again, it's programming- sociological, religious programming as versus spirituality that is pure from the divine source itself until humanity has gotten a hold of it. And sometimes it's a misinterpreting- misinterpreting divine sources, rest as we could say, guidance, and because of different emotional, psychological imbalances that humanity has gotten into.

And like one of your past lives when you came in, where it shows you as a priest, and one of a very, as we could say, kind of a very narrow way of looking at reality. Uh, and it's because it was a very, but it was also a very disciplined way of life. And you had a couple lifetimes, in fact, where you had the dilemma, your desire to be connected as that has to do with what we would call your twin flame, her energy coming down and to earth wanting to be with her. But because you had taken these religious vows, uh, that you had to, uh, forego any intimate relationship, and it was a struggle for you.  So there are philosophical questions of when you, because in the Tantra tradition that was a very high evolved way of being when it was a very sacred orientation.

Then there are those forces that infiltrated and twisted it around somewhat, which often happens. There's corruption occurred. And whether it be Mechanical, Physical technologies over a long period of time is on earth where they become corrupted or rusted or they wear out, uh, and then that's why certain forces in fact develop obsolescence so they would break down and they wouldn't make money off of it and there have been many different ways of corrupting it but you originally had the knowledge how to create, manifest something that would last literally forever until you choose to change it. Think of it like molding clay, altering it. You have the ability to alter and change it. Its consciousness technology interfaces with you. It was pure. It was part of divine source. And it was, but it was still a form of technology, but it was in harmony to nature, harmony to earth, harmony to everything.

And you knew that. You were a pre- scientist at one time in the earlier civilizations, even going back to early Lemurian times, The Golden Ages. Before the AI and other forces corrupted and infiltrated the planet, there were periods of Golden Ages, and then things were clear, things were moved out of the way, but it always resulted back to the same mistakes and same problems.

So you were determined to find a way through- through various different, as we say, spiritual teachings and orientations, even technology being used as pure, that would help others help themselves find ways through, and that's where this channel was tapping into, through videos, through forms of technology, you can even say virtual reality.


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