Everyone has equal opportunity to that. So there's a lot of energy is coming in now. One of the things you have been kind of waiting for where you've been busy going about doing what you have to do. There was a part of you that knew that the universe itself what we can think it's almost like an alchemical.
You were an alchemist in your past where you came up with certain formulas. You understood how gemstones and various different kinds of formulas and substances and how it's all part of how you can create things by combining things together. Now, now you weren't doing things like this, like these mad scientists called geneticists who create half animal, half human or genetically modified foods and those kinds of things that create, as in the saying, it's not wise to fool mother nature.
You were working with harmony with nature. You were working with nature and by communicating with the elemental entities and forces whose job is to be the protector to the plants, and they would communicate to you. And that was a symbiotic relationship, where as a scientist, a priestess, you were in connection with nature.
You were guarding the nature, but you were also a scientist, in that you understood that by working with nature, nature would give you the things to help evolve nature. So instead of being, uh, destroying it, you work with the ways and means with nature and by working with nature in the symbiotic relationship, nature gave you things that because of the term human having dominion over the earth in a benevolent way, as a guardian, protecting, not controlling and manipulating, as the Dark Ones did. You work with nature, and even once a garden known as Findhorn where the nature spirits were very excited, and there was, shall we say, the realization that humanity was wanting to know what did the nature spirits want to do that would make this a paradise.
And so it's a protecting of the source of knowledge and information. And watching over. In fact, one time when you were all, uh, you could say you were stationed at this gigantic It was a gigantic planetoid computer type system that was, this was many millions of years ago and you had, this was tapped into many areas of the universe and your, it was kind of interfaced with your consciousness and the computer itself, you were a guardian to it and the dark forces came to try to take control And so you were able to take the information in an energetic way and actually make it in as much miniaturized form and hide it in another location that they couldn't find it.
And they were really angry. They kept chasing after you, trying to torture you, trying to get sources. And yet you didn't break because you had developed mind of, kind of mind over matter. I don't mind, it doesn't matter kind of situation. And they eventually went back there. got the source and reactivated it and put it into another system that was much more user friendly to the conditions around so instead of having the more gigantic large side, you knew that knowledge in energetic form could be contained within the size of a molecule, that there was really no limit to what, when one is e, when one's energy is divinely connected, divinely inspired as you were usually able to tap into that, it's when you got off-course because your higher aspect of yourself.
Said, well, I wanna understand what the, the dark ones are doing. So in order, or with certain portions of humanity who are stuck in the wheel of karma, how can I help them get off of that? How can I help them help themselves? I can't, because I can't make them do anything. I respect their sovereignty and free will, but I want to inspire them.
I want to elevate their ideas, then influence them in a positive way. It's still up to them whether they're going to receive the influence, whether they're open to it because their consciousness, their pure heart is aligned with the high. Then you have the ability, and that's what's happening now, the vast majority of humanity is going to graduate, in this timeline, unlike the old timeline the Dark Ones tried to create, we're in this new timeline where over the majority, 90 percent of humanity will be making it through. And to help these souls as they go through this intense waking up and acknowledging the crimes against humanity and many things that need to be acknowledged before, like going through hell and then coming to heaven in a paradise world that is coming into the future.
How exactly that will be, it's not all defined. We can say most of it is, in the basic sense of the structure, or the basic aspect of that paradise. But it's also because of having holographic technology, as you will be tapping into, that will show past times, like the early golden age of Lemuria, where the dark ones hijacked that, and various other civilizations.