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Conversation with Commander Ashtar Part 07 - The Golden Age Awaits: Journeying Towards Purity and Balance

In this Conversation Commander Ashtar talks about reclaiming yout, So there's an innovative technology, there's an innovative technique and tools that you will tap into, especially when this channel was referring to younger generation, many of the higher beings who've come to Earth. And again, that's why I had said about the cabal has created to distort that sense of polarity and balance and trying to, trying to decide to destroy the potential that these younger ones have.


But your sense of reclaiming that sense of the innocent reclaiming the purity we can see the potential humanity has and to release the shadow aspect so that it helps to bring the Golden Age because deep in your core you have memory and this is where the veils start lifting. As it was the early ages on Earth before again, if  situations got infiltrated and taken over.  And what has learned was while this journey has been going on for millions of years, you have taken note that, as shall we say, you will have a number of epiphanies, revelations, and many have spoken of what has been called the solar flash.


An event that's occurring, going to occur at some point in the near, we could say coming up on the horizon here, and it's not a, we would say as far as any dates or time, we don't relate to Earth chronological time, we look at more the energetic flow of the potential. Only our divine source knows the exact moment or time, quote.


And it's not always set exactly where it's going to be as humanity evolves. Things began to develop a certain realization. Oh, now I see why we couldn't have it happen earlier. Because there were still lessons that needed to be learned. Certain things did need to let go of. And breakthroughs had to happen.


And so things can't always be preset. We kind of explain it like the structure of a home. The skeleton of a structure that is there. The foundation is laid and then you get to fill it in. Well, all kinds of beautiful architecture and color and the other choices. So it's a combination of  divine will, which represents the structure and the free will is what makes it interesting, where there's still spontaneity of free will that's aligned with that.


Destiny. Uh, we like to say destiny rather than fate. Fate is more a locked in kind of thing. Destiny is more of a potential that you're creating. And so there's a much, there's very powerful potential within you. The downloading of the HigherLightEncodements that we are downloading right now, they're energetically designed to help you tap into those potentials.


And well, so the sense of all these lifetimes, and through all the cycles that you're coming to Earth, and to many around the universal realms,  being a part, an honorary member of many commands and groups, we can say, and your, and your desire to help this planet because it was always known that Earth was going to play a very important and unique role in the grand scheme.


It's a genetic bank too, because it contains the genetic aspects of many races that came here. And it's activating those and transforming them to the highest and best by combining and releasing in the shadow aspect, the darkness and bringing in only the light, pure light of divine source and how each of it will be and helping each soul discover what that uniqueness is and how each soul and that's when in certain lifetimes and you try to do it sometimes as we said in certain religious backgrounds where you had epiphanies, you experienced being put to death more than once.


Because you spoke out against what you felt was hypocrisy or you felt was narrow where they were not- not speaking what they were doing one thing and doing something entirely different or saying, well, these are the laws that apply to us, but that's just a different set of laws than the others. They have no, it has to be the same.


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