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Conversation with Commander Ashtar Part 12 - Reclaiming Lost Knowledge: Rediscovering Earth's Connection to the Cosmos

There are things going on in some parts of the world gearing up so that only the right aspects of humanity will be able to access once their consciousness has gone through the major change that is about to take place at this time balancing now and restoring the ability of humanity, the gifts of the spirit, as they're called the gifts of the spirit, you know, a lot of those, they're going to be activated and it's being able to, some refer to superhuman abilities, but these are just normal Uh, it's just a matter of something part of one's conscience, a byproduct of who one is on certain levels.


So you have memory of being able to fly around, levitate, and telekinesis, all kinds of things that are considered, again, pretty normal, nothing unusual. But humanity has been, as we say, locked out of that habit. So more humanity has that knowledge now, allowing reclaiming lost knowledge to start to activate with wisdom and and also responsibility, so it's not a bit.


So it becomes impossible to abuse it. That's what humanity is moving into, be able to experience it again, embrace it and to share it with everyone else.  So there are some instances coming up. Now we're going to see if we were seeing an instance here of an individual. We could say much, much older than you, though we're going to see if we can get a name here possibly, but this individual appears kind of as a spiritual master, individual that was kind of a guardian, was kind of some of these, as we say, mystery schools or traditions that have come down.


Very different areas and places of knowledge. And then, because individuals come along, you have energetic connections with that. The energy is suggesting that this individual approaches you. Maybe you approach that person. It's not really shown exactly whether you're approaching or they're approaching, but it could be a meeting.


A gathering, perhaps, when this takes place, and because this individual recognizes you or kind of acknowledges that you have a spiritual connection with this individual, and this individual is kind of, uh, passing the torch, it's a symbolic gesture, uh, passing the torch, or the, uh, reaching out to grab, to give this person, in this case you, the, the keys to this, to the knowledge or has to do with scrolls information and has to do with, uh, translating him, uh, getting it out so the humanity can access it, but understand it with the light of new wisdom again.


Many things have been locked up purposely until humanity would reach a certain point, which we're up on at that point right now. And many of the younger ones have a kind of an inner, kind of a natural telepathic ability to read. Some of this knowledge isn't just Sanskrit, it goes way back, intergalactic forms of knowledge.


But these are in symbols, and each symbol contains encyclopedias of knowledge. Because it's not just a symbol one is looking at, its the encodement energy field  in that symbol. When you tune into it, it opens up doors, it opens up portals that access where there be Stargates and various other things. And you are once involved in the, uh, actually setting up some of the Stargate, as we say, systems that connected Earth with various other worlds. And many of these vortexes, stargates, wormholes, we told this channel, in fact, that they were shut down. But now they're starting, they've been being cleaned, cleared out, cleaned out, are being opened up again. So that you may, you can just step into one of these and go wherever they want to go.


And there's, uh, the ability of, again, the new RipRace, It's kind of a natural thing within humanity to, it's a natural inclination that allows you to go wherever you want to go. It's not some big complicated thing, you just have kind of an innate sense about it. And it's there, it was shut down for a while, but now it's going to be reactivated.


It's like something in the back burner being brought around to the front burner, and being able to, all these gifts of the spirit being opened up for you. So there's going to be a time, period of time, where you'll be doing some translating, and it will just kind of come to you intuitively what the symbols mean.


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