Now those, we call 'em old adhesion contracts, have been removed and those forces can no longer manipulate humanity, humanity's regaining sovereignty. So you are gonna be a, a very, through all these struggles and experiences you've had, you're reaching a point metamorphosing into this more well-rounded, and as we say, uh, master of being able to, it's like being able to use your consciousness to literally, it's like mind never matter.
Sometimes it may be like, I don't mind... you don't, I don't mind, it doesn't matter. You're just getting rid of it and no longer at this point. And as you kind of reevaluate over the coming days, weeks, and months, you take these moments to kind of reevaluate. Like you are almost looking at a, a graph or a meter and there's things going up and down metering like when we mentioned, the harmonic vibrational scale where you continue to rise beyond the 200 into the higher and higher states.
And so all these gifts of the spirit, Elohim powers and abilities start coming online. And the body, of course is changing from carbon-based to silicate, to crystalline it's act of a higher state. And that's also happening physiologically. It's a natural thing that planet is going through the Great Awakening: Planetary Ascension.
So again, all the what you, it's kinda like sometimes you change your mind and then you change your mind again, which is okay. It's just matter. You don't may have to make it in such a struggle. It'll be more a Divine Source, Divine energy. And we stand by to be of help, to help you, help yourself. But of course it's been said before, Ashtar's said it and others, that your actions give us mandated authority, to step in.
So the lifting of the non-interference law aspect is starting to occur. And, uh, so it's gonna get more exciting as we can directly interact a little closer, feeling our presence a little bit more. And so you can get more clear communications directly as we go forward. So again, we're trying to summarize a lot aspect, and these are just some of the things that are popping up here to put more focus and emphasis on while letting go of some other things that might, you might have thought were important.
They played their role, but it's not. But it's the, it's the congruent sense of who you are energetically. And we look at this energy field of who you are and how you're defining, how you're changing, transforming into a more effective, empowered individual. A lot of things are dropping away. And so now the greater sense of the greater philosophical sense of peace, inner peace and what's important to you, the priorities start being kind of repositioned and they may position again.
And that's okay. Uh, and so as we've said many times. Things that one may think, well, that was a waste of time. No, it wasn't. It played ahead, its role. It's just that people sometimes think when they start out on a journey and they go on a detour that they got thrown off course. No, they didn't. That was actually done to give them that.
As we said earlier, the perspective. So let you see the bigger perspective that you weren't capable of seeing before. You'll see more of the details and the choices and doors opening than you as the old story when you, the shoe, the shoe fits, wear it. And having, wearing multiple hats symbolizing multiple abilities that are gonna start coming out from within you.
You are an example as your DNA starts activating and you'll meet others are on the planet having their own unique formula. But yet collectively, you're all going through, uh, this transformation of the body is asked to go through in consciousness. And so old areas of pain and suffering are gonna come up.
But with more compassion and detachment, you're not gonna still be, you're not gonna be sucked into the emotional vortex. You're gonna have more of this compassionate detachment. You're gonna see it and looking in mood without having to feel the i intense emotions behind the pain and suffering that brought you to that point in the journey.
And now your free will is more aligned with the Divine Will, when we're easily able to accomplish with less, again, stress and and conditions. So we again are when we just wanna say we're very supportive. And just to give yourself much more credit as you go forward here, pat yourself on the back. Uh, you read this way and you've got this place as far in the journey.
And so much more is gonna happen in a shorter period of time. It's like taking your breath away. It's like the old saying expression. You ain't seen anything yet because there's so much on the horizon. You're approaching the horizon event. Uh, and so there's gonna be some very challenging moments and not to be attached to it.
Having faith that even if the food situation gets a little challenging, it'll only be for a short time. It's not gonna be weeks and months. It's more like days. Perhaps if certain things become un unavailable, know that you're being taken care of energetically in other ways to compensate for those inconveniences for a little while.
And some people have to reach the precipice. Some people have to struggle a little more where they finally have the epiphany. So you have to be a little patient with other people, or they're struggling to have their particular unique form of that epiphany. So we can all come together in fellowship and we of course are putting a lot of, putting a lot of energy.
I. Investment to help make this transition as calm as possible without depriving you of the epiphanies or breakthroughs that can only occur at this phase through a more difficult form of learning. Then, as we said, it's gonna become more increasingly joyous and beautiful without having to put in too much physical effort.
You put a lot of elbow grease, you roll up your sleeves symbolically, you build up momentum. It didn't like, it didn't seem like anything was going on. And finally the moment of gain caught up to you, so to speak. And so it can be a little intense when the epiphanies start going rapidly, as we said, like the domino thing.