But as you have more options, both your consciousness expands, you have more advanced technologies that are, that free up your life, you have more time to be of service and feel more joy and fulfillment, more options available to you. And it's not such a heavy burden that human society has often been because of the way that cabal/deep state, as they are termed, have programmed.
So they, they are being exposed right now intensely, and that's caught a lot of flare back, a lot of, uh, as the cornering of an animal is an example, and they get very dangerous before they're totally gone. And so there's energy suggesting over these next one to 2, 3, 4 years, uh, going through the transition that fully exposes and then removes these energies up.
But for the most part, from society, there may be some residues, quote later on, few ground troops we can say that are still necessary for a few individuals to finally acknowledge what's actually been going on behind the scenes. Because as, as we pointed out that it is a movie in one sense, playing out to red-pill, as it's been called, a lot of people... who need to kind of force kind of open up to a more expanded open understanding.
And so being able to come again from that perception of wisdom, 'cause there's gonna be moments you're gonna be kind of, shall we say, your own I am presence, connected with the great I am that I am, Divine Source. It's gonna call upon you, so to speak, uh, to do certain things that you might not normally be inclined to do.
In other words, you're gonna be kind of, your higher self is testing you to see how much you can stretch, how much you can expand, adapt. Uh, it's almost like Phoenix bird rising from the ashes where you kind of awaken and rise up into a greater sense of spiritual power. And with that power is greater peace, inner peace that you know how to utilize that spiritual power.
Coming from a Divine Creation to help a lot of people above and beyond even before the physical material things. Related to the humanitarian global projects become available, your energy, your consciousness, your auric field. And, and this was something too, uh, was mentioned usually through this channel, Ashtar likes to mention, you know, harmonic vibrational scale relative to where are you vibrating on this scale.
And it was pointed out before, of course, it's our fellow Elohim and higher other cosmic beings of Light, who operate the Merkaba Light ships where one has to vibrate at least 200 on that vibrational scale. And to point out that you are above that 200 and, and we can say you're gonna be rapidly rising more and more as one goes forward from this day forward will continue.
And of course, the playing back the session also. It's helped, is helping you raise your frequency shift things around may now may be a while before you feel initially, like for, in a very pragmatic sense, yes, there definitely changes it because of, initially it's a little more subtle, but it builds up momentum.
Now sometimes there can be sudden breakthroughs, something you least quote weren't expecting, and then as we said, maybe activation of a power briefly, and then it goes away a little while. And then it gives you, allows you to give what Ashtar would call perspective and contrast where you kind of, it's like to use the analogy of one use as a camera and there they're adjusting it.
You see where shadow and Light is. You can now see the Light going into the shadows.
Everything is being lit up. It's like a cave where one has, and others have used this analogy, and you're in that cave and it's dark, and then suddenly you, you shine a Light in it. You see, as others have said that you see a lot of things that you didn't see before that were there, but you just didn't notice 'em.
'cause there was so much darkness and shadow. But now it's all being lit up. Every nook and cranny is being revealed. And so it's learning with love to, to, to, not to reject things, but also to put things in, shall we say philosophically, in such a way that well over overwhelm people. This is the thing that those term, the WhiteHats on planet Earth that we work with to and in the decision how, how they would, uh, drip things out gradually and then eventually, like the analogy of the, of the faucet turning it on.
Because others will know that if you turn on a fire hose and hit the person, it knocks it for a loop, plus they're not open to it. But if you do it slowly over a period of time, then you kind of increase. The, the disclosure aspect of things. And so that's gonna be a, as we say, a, a back, a flare back, so to speak.
Uh, people, uh, because of, well, some would call ego investment where they have a hard time getting outside the box, looking outside the box, and seeing other levels of reality and understanding this and your ability to tune into other frequencies, dimensions, realms, and seeing how the Divine plan, understanding it a lot more and, and how you can help others understand beyond the religious and to the spiritual, the Divine, holy, spiritual sacredness of life itself, which of course, the imbalance forces has tried to destroy.
So there's a lot of pain and suffering that's been buried, that's gonna be coming up through a lot of humans. So you're gonna be finding yourself being a buffer sometimes, uh, being also a surrogate. And other beings like Voltra, our Cosmic psychotherapist, he's an expert. Well, there are times and other different beings will be giving kind of insight to help you download things to you.
Uh, you may sometimes you'll sense it, other times you may hear words being spoken. There's many different forms of that, but it all relates to the reason I have come today. Often, and when I, and others who are coming, we have come through this channel. Often I'm the second, shall we stay in line to come forth...
to kinda give a little more focus on the Divine Will, the Divine plan. But how that, how it affects you, it involves you at an individual, more personal level, what the choices and decisions you had to, to have to make a difference. And I just wanna say again, I started out kind of, uh, and even using the phrase of cutting the chase where there's a lot of things that many people on earth feel are required.
Oh, this is a requirement, I can't go without it. And then certainly certain challenges come up and they're forced to adapt their modus operandi and to realize that maybe there'll be an easier way that they hadn't thought about, which also allows the Divine plan to connect more quickly, where it doesn't have to work through so many layers of stuff, we'll call it stuff, uh, that has been accumulated over a long period of time.
To cut to the chase means you letting the Divine Will, the Divine plan, the Divine energies to keep things in balance in order and allow an acceleration and, and upliftment and expansion. And allows more beauty and joy and fulfillment to also manifest. And so some people, because of their modus operandi, you're gonna find yourself coming up telepathically intuitive.
When you're around people, all of a sudden you'll feel guided to tell them. And you realize there is of course, this issue sometimes. And we understand that, where you feel like, well, I, it's not my place to give advice. You're not really giving advice, you're giving suggestions. That's what we do. We try to always come from, uh, a, a point of giving insights, giving suggestions, but not trying to advise you about anything.
We share, what we have, what we have to share, but it's still up to you in your sovereignty. And free will choose whether you would choose to embrace it or you incorporate some of what we share into your life. And, but your ability to see it from a, as others, use that phrase on earth, a 30,000 foot view..... looking down.
Or a hundred thousand foot. In other words, you'll have a lot of different perspectives when you're around people. They'll come to, come to you intuitively. Uh, you'll kind of sense where the quote they're coming from. In other words, you'll sense how your way of communicating to each person will quite adapt, will be adaptable and change.
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