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Where did the idea of 5D Consciousness shift/ascension originate?

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age philosophy are just a few of the spiritual and philosophical traditions that give rise to the idea of a 5D consciousness shift or ascension. The concept of rising to a higher vibrational frequency or level of consciousness is not location- or time-specific; rather, it symbolizes a spiritual progression that some people think mankind is currently going through. The notion of a 5D consciousness shift has its specific roots in a blend of esoteric teachings, channeled communications, and the synthesis of traditional wisdom with current spiritual ideas. among the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this idea became increasingly popular, especially among New Age and spiritual societies. It is noteworthy that there are a variety of beliefs on a shift to 5D consciousness.


According to Akhand Sutra, each chakral center of consciousness acts through individual state or layer of body.


Three dimensions and three states of matter—solids, liquids, and gases—are recognized by contemporary science.


Time-Space is what Albert Einstein refers to as the fourth dimension.


According to ancient sages, there are 5 sheaths of body


And there are five states of the matter, namely,

1. solids (Prithvi-Bhuta),

2. liquids (Apa-Bhuta),

3. fire (Agni-Bhuta),

4. air (Vayu-Bhuta), and

5. quintessence (Akash-Bhuta) or Ether, and

five higher dimensions.


As per Sat-chakra-Nirupana, there are 7 major chakras with corresponding bodies.


Three doshas, such as vata (air and ether), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water), as well as five elements or substances of the body, are demonstrated by ancient Ayurvedic concepts.


The five higher types of states of matter and dimensions were also discussed by the ancient Indian sages. Consequently, the cosmos and Nature have 10 dimensions.


Eleven dimensions, according to M Theory of String Theory.


Therefore, the ancient Indian Spiritual Science includes 5 D consciousness as a fundamental component.


Three-dimensional awareness


Involution is the result of primary physical states with constrained consciousness.


When Kundalini is revolving in these Jivatma centers, spiritual evolution is not possible (Culminative Consciousness of Physical body)


1. Muladhara Chakra: The pelvic base's center. It is in charge of integrating fame, money, health, and reputation.


2. The Svadhisthana Chakra is in charge of reproductive wellness.


3. The Nabhi Chakra is in charge of self-survival and emotional stability.


4. Manipura Chakra: vitality and digestive well-being are under its purview.


Here, Nabhi and Manipura are seen as one chakra, however according to the Akhand sutra, they are actually two separate chakras.


5D awareness


Awareness of one's own subtle bodies through expanded auric field spectrum, psychic and clair talents, and extrasensory perception.


Higher chakras are activated and Kundalini rises.


5. The Anahata Chakra (Heart Center) is in charge of generosity and compassion.


Beyond the 5D awareness


6. Visudhi Chakra: This chakra is in charge of speaking with authenticity.


7. Ajna Chakra: This chakra governs the subconscious.


The eighth chakra, the Vigyan Chakra, is in charge of the subconscious.


9. The conscious mind is under the jurisdiction of the Pragyan Chakra.


10. Sahasrara Chakra: The superconscious mind is under its jurisdiction.


 Akhand yoga

Scientific evidence

Unification with a higher spiritual consciousness is the true meaning of yoga.


10.34419 dimensions, according to greater Universal Consciousness and Divyank.


((22/21)10.34419)=1.618034 is the Divyank.


1. The initial phase of creation is represented by the first section, 22/21.


2. The ten stages of development are represented by the second portion, 10.


3. The third stage of maturation is represented by the third portion, 0.34419.


4. The real dimensions of the world and nature are represented by the number 10.34419.


5. The most economical algorithm in nature is the sum, 1.618034.


6. The closest decimal representation of the Divine Golden and Divyank ratios is 1.618034.


7. Divyank is followed by the most ideal and exquisite things in the cosmos and in nature.


8. We can determine the exact values for every facet of the adult human body's anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry with the aid of Divyank.


9. We can unravel a lot of the unsolved secrets of the cosmos and nature with Divyank.


10. We may achieve and preserve perfect health, slow down the aging process, and make the most of every human birth, life, brain, intellect, consciousness, and potential with the aid of Divyank.


 The Verdict:


The inanimate design below illustrates how the 10 integral centers of consciousness, according to the Akhand Sutra, have ten distinct bodies:


Message: Practice Akhand Yoga to transcend 5D consciousness!


The protectors of this earth and the universe are us, the human race.


To utilize our inherent divine Potentials, let us all awaken, activate, integrate, evolve, and ascend to a higher state of consciousness.


By raising our own consciousness, we can transform our planet from a low vibrational state of life to a higher vibrating state!





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