What is the 5D World? Pop-spiritual notions of 5D reality are based on misinterpretations of ancient philosophy, which have been transformed into man's esoteric teachings. Anything above 3D is New Age thinking!
In actuality, the concept of a fifth dimension is an offspring of Phi "5", Plato's dividing line, and Pythagoras' pentagram.
Physical measurement, or depth, height, and width in this case, is 3D.
"4D is time/movement"; others attempt to explain 4D using the dreadful tesseract cube hypothesis.

"Dark matter or the divine consciousness is 5D," but in reality, it's just aether or inertia.
The initial counts are as follows: 1-1-2-3-5 as opposed to the current 1-2-3-4-5
All of it is essentially the same as the five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and ether.
5D consciousness is very simple to understand and accept. But, not through the normal ego mind/brain/intellect that we have now which is rooted in both 3D and 4D. In a way, it is a blessing to have a 5D consciousness in 3D and 4D densities. 5D is a total commitment to divine love, no attachments and no judgement.
The human brain will never accept (or understand) the total 100% surrender to divine love (the ego mind wants to plan, achieve, fight for its egobased principles and goals, it will never accept marginalization).
5D is: Living with unconditional love no matter what, and let (and trust) synchronicity to guide your life in this restricted 3D and 4D worlds. It takes guts, courage, hard work, deep understanding of how spiritual and material world interact, wisdom and divine inspiration to commit to 5D consciousness.
Don’t try to understand how you switch from 3D to 5D, just ask for it from the divine, accept it as a wonderful gift, and live it. The earth is an entity that is changing into the fifth dimension. It is now an overlay on this dimension, and the methods I have already shown can be used to link with it. There is nothing out of the ordinary about the fifth dimension. As we speak, you are breathing into it. You are in harmony with the fifth dimension when you sit quietly. You can align with the fifth dimension when you flip the polarities of your thoughts to a positive charge. You are in harmony with the fifth dimension when you love, play, follow your joy, and let go of the deadly, suffocating weight of negativity, especially fear. All day long, you alternate between the fifth and third dimensions. Remaining in a positive resonance prevents you from returning to the third dimension.
The fact is that we currently live in a world that is divided from the other. Your decisions at every instant will place you in one universe or another. Similar to how the third dimension has its own set of physical rules, the fifth dimension also has its own universal laws. You are more susceptible to the universal laws of the fifth dimension when you are primarily in tune with it.
Unless you are no longer primarily choosing to play on the third-dimensional chess board, you are susceptible to the tragedies and horrors that can occur within a third-dimensional existence. Two universes are now vibrating in close proximity to one another. People who are violent, negative, separatist, and self-centered are inhabiting the third dimension. You are not in the same world anymore just because you can see it. Standing next to each other, two individuals can be in two distinct universes. As you strive to align with the fifth dimension, the misfortunes that occur in the third dimension do not apply to you. Even when two worlds vibrate in the same place, one world's negativity does not determine the fate of the other.
The rules of the realm you resonate with apply to you.
Other than an elevated level of awareness, there is no "heavenly phenomenon." It is all here, at this moment. You have to make a decision because you are a sentient entity with intrinsic will and autonomy. To awaken from the three-dimensional spell, this is essential. You will be carried along by pre-existing third-dimensional frequency patterns in your brain if you make no choice. All that exists beyond the fifth dimensional frequency is an enhanced form of who you are. "Yourself" refers to your extended Consciousness that extends well beyond the human form.
It is a spiritual being that is experiencing human life.
Establish a solid bond with the Divine frequencies of your inner Divinity, or Higher Self. Along the journey, your spirit guides and angels will support and mentor you.